Your Current Habits Not Serving You. Are You Stuck doing the same thing day in day out???
This is a very common theme happening at the moment for may people not happy with some aspect with their life. Stuck doing a boring routine job. Try to get healthier and soon back eating the junk food. The weight is not coming and then you lose interest in the diet, "Wham oh" weight back on plus more. Can not get ahead with finances , credit card maxed out. Relationship issues and unsure where to go. WHY? You have HABITS that are NOT WORKING FOR YOU. These habits have been developed over many years of repetition. Like riding a bike or driving a car. You can change these unhelpful habits. There is a very simple process to change your habits. It all starts with what do you want in your life?
It has to be what you want and only you and it does not have to sound good to any one else. Write it out in the present tense I am so Happy and Grateful Now that I now have (keep on writing) Be as descriptive as possible. If you need to write it out many times till you have it your way. Now you have YOUR WHY written out. Go to a mirror and read it aloud to yourself 3 times a day for a minimum of 90 days straight. If you miss a day pick up and keep going till you have 90 days. You MUST also visualise yourself having your WHY. To change your habits is through repetition and Elite Coaching. HEALTH WELLBEING MINDSET is here to guide you on your journey Transformational Behavioural Change Specialist Coaching will guide you with changing your habits to serve you. Lets get you started with a Free 45 min Coaching call. Do not wait a minute longer.
Phil CharltonTransformational Behavioural Change Specialist Coach. Coaching, guiding & mentoring for over 35 years. |